Extension and Outreach


IMG_0565.JPGMy lab and I are actively engaged in a number of extension and outreach activities throughout the year.  I provide a number of presentations and demonstrations annually that are aimed at providing education material on how to more effectively manage human-wildlife conflict situations.  A few recent examples of these presentations are provided below:

Sample presentations:

Baldwin, R. A.  Vertebrate pests with emphasis on nuts—What’s new?  January 14, 2016.  Young Almond and Walnut Orchards Workshop, Woodland, CA
Baldwin, R. A.  Integrated approach to controlling pocket gophers and voles in alfalfa.  December 3, 2015.  2015 Western States Alfalfa & Forage Symposium, Reno, NV.
Baldwin, R. A.  Vertebrate pest management – What’s new?  November 14, 2012.  2012 Advances in Pistachio Production Short Course.  Visalia, CA.
We also write a number of extension, technical, and newsletter publications covering a variety of human-wildlife conflict topics.  You can access these through the “Publications” tab on the heading of this webpage.
Radio interview on wild pigs; Fred Hoffman, KSTE Farm Hour (Sacramento).  Aired March 19, 2017 (http://kste.iheart.com/media/play/27700232/?timeCodeStart=1399).
Radio interview on pocket gophers; Fred Hoffman, KSTE Farm Hour (Sacramento).  Aired April 9, 2017 (http://kste.iheart.com/media/play/27727568/?timeCodeStart=672).
Instructional video on how to trap pocket gophers in an orchard.
Instructional video on how to properly set Gophinator traps.
Other useful resources:
There are a variety of other sources of useful information available.  Some of the more useful options include:
UC IPM Pest Notes.—Valuable resource for information pertaining to many wildlife pest issues for California.  http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/menu.vertebrate.html  
The Vertebrate Pest Control Handbook.—Contains extensive information on many subjects pertaining to human-wildlife conflict in California including information on general biology of California birds and mammals, laws and regulations, the role of wildlife in spreading disease, and information on the use of toxicants and fumigants for controlling wildlife pests in California.  Chapters are currently under revision.  Those that have been revised are noted as such.
California Department of Pesticide Regulation Endangered Species Query.Allows the applicator or landowner to determine if any threatened or endangered species are found at a location where pesticides are to be used.  Simply add information to query to determine if any endangered species are present and need to be considered before applying the pesticide of interest.  You will have to click on “PRESCRIBE” under the “DATA SOURCE” drop down menu to initiate a PRESCRIBE query.  http://calpip.cdpr.ca.gov/county.cfm
Internet Center for Wildlife Damage and Management.—Contains extensive information on wildlife pest control, although it is designed for the entire U.S., not just California.  Therefore, other websites may provide more specific information for California.  Nonetheless, it is a valuable resource.  http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/icwdmhandbook/    
Extension.—Similar to the ICWDM website listed above.  Excellent resource, but provides information for all of the U.S.  http://www.extension.org/wildlife_damage_management
Southern California Urban Wildlife Management.—For this interested in human-wildlife conflict issues in urban settings, you can follow on twitter.  @SCUWMCouncil
Wildlife Pest Control around Gardens and Homes.—A good resource for managing damage from urban wildlife pests, as well as related conflict issues in more rural settings.  Available for purchase at:  http://anrcatalog.ucanr.edu/Details.aspx?itemNo=21385