

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications


In Press

Baldwin, R. A.R. Meinerz, and G. W. Witmer. In press. Novel and current rodenticides for pocket gopher Thomomys spp. management in vineyards: what works? Pest Management Science. 

Wolf, K. M., R. A. Baldwin, and S. Barry. In press. Compatibility of livestock grazing and recreational use on coastal California public lands: Importance, interactions, and management solutions. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 


Baldwin, R. A., R. Meinerz, and S. B. Orloff. 2016. Burrow fumigation versus trapping for pocket gopher (Thomomys spp.) management: a comparison of efficacy and cost effectiveness. Wildlife Research 43:389–397. 

Baldwin, R. A., R. Meinerz, and G. W. Witmer. 2016. Cholecalciferol plus diphacinone baits for vole control: a novel approach to a historic problem. Journal of Pest Science 89:129–135.  

Engeman, R. M., R. A. Baldwin, and D. I. Stetson. 2016. Guiding the management of an agricultural pest: indexing abundance of California meadow voles in artichoke fields. Crop Protection 88:53–57. 

Wolf, K., R. A. Baldwin, and R. P. Bourbour. 2016. Restoration is best for wildlife, right? Lessons learned and applications to grassland habitat management.Grasslands 26:7–10. 


Baldwin, R. A., A. Chapman, C. P. Kofron, R. Meinerz, S. B. Orloff, and N. Quinn. 2015. Refinement of a trapping method increases utility for pocket gopher management. Crop Protection 77:176–180. 

Baldwin, R. A., and R. Meinerz. 2015. Using external characteristics for rapid identification of gender in pocket gophers. Western North American Naturalist 75:251–258.  

Baldwin, R. A.R. MeinerzH. E. Jantz, and G. W. Witmer. 2015. Impact of capture and transportation methods on survival of small rodents during relocation events. Southwestern Naturalist 60:385–389. 


Baldwin, R. A. 2014. Determining and demonstrating the importance of training and experience for managing pocket gophers. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:628–633. 

Baldwin, R. A., R. Meinerz, and S. B. Orloff. 2014. The impact of attractants on pocket gopher trapping. Current Zoology 60:472–478.  

Baldwin, R. A.N. QuinnD. H. Davis, and R. M. Engeman. 2014. Effectiveness of rodenticides for managing invasive roof rats and native deer mice in orchards. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21:5795–5802. 

Baldwin, R. A., T. P. Salmon, R. H. Schmidt, and R. M. Timm. 2014. Perceived damage and areas of needed research for wildlife pests of California agriculture. Integrative Zoology 9:265–279. 

Witmer, G., R. Moulton, and R. A. Baldwin. 2014. An efficacy test of cholecalciferol plus diphacinone rodenticide baits for California voles (Microtus californicus Peale) to replace ineffective chlorophacinone baits. International Journal of Pest Management 60:275–278.


Baldwin, R. A., D. B. Marcum, S. B. Orloff, S. J. Vasquez, C. A. Wilen, and R. M. Engeman.  2013.  The influence of trap type and cover status on capture rates of pocket gophers in California.  Crop Protection 46:7–12.

Baldwin, R. A., T. P. Salmon, R. H. Schmidt, and R. M. Timm.  2013.  Wildlife pests of California agriculture:  regional variability and subsequent impacts on management.  Crop Protection 46:29–37.

Kremen, N. A., C. C. Calvert, J. A. Larsen, R. A. Baldwin, T. P. Hahn, and A. J. Fascetti.  2013.  Body composition and amino acid concentrations of feline prey species.  Journal of Animal Science 91:1270–1276.


Baldwin, R. A., and L. C. Bender.  2012.  Estimating population size and density of a low-density population of black bears in Rocky Mountain National Park,Colorado.  European Journal of Wildlife Research 58:557–566.

Bender, L. C., R. A. Baldwin, and J. R. Piasecke.  2012.  Habitats occupied by elk (Cervus elaphus) in desert grassland-scrublands of northwestern New Mexico.  Southwestern Naturalist 57:361–369.


Baldwin, R. A., and L. C. Bender.  2010a.  Denning chronology of black bears in eastern Rocky Mountain National Park,Colorado.  Western North American Naturalist 70:48–54.

Baldwin, R. A., and L. C. Bender.  2010b.  Development of equations predictive of size and condition for black bears in Rocky Mountain National Park,Colorado.  American Midland Naturalist 164:44–51.


Baldwin, R. A.  2009.  Use of maximum entropy modeling in wildlife research.  Entropy 11:854–866.

Baldwin, R. A., and L. C. Bender.  2009a.  Foods and nutritional components of diets of black bear in Rocky Mountain National Park,Colorado.  Canadian Journal of Zoology 87:1000–1008.

Baldwin, R. A., and L. C. Bender.  2009b.  Survival, productivity, and trends of a low density black bear population in Rocky Mountain National Park,Colorado.  Human–Wildlife Conflicts 3:271–281.


Baldwin, R. A., and L. C. Bender.  2008a.  Den-site characteristics of black bears in Rocky Mountain National Park,Colorado.  Journal of Wildlife Management 72:1717–1724.

Baldwin, R. A., and L. C. Bender.  2008b.  Distribution, occupancy, and habitat correlates of American martens (Martes americana) in Rocky Mountain National Park,Colorado.  Journal of Mammalogy 89:419–427.


Baldwin, R. A., P. S. Gipson, G. L. Zuercher, and T. R. Livingston.  2006.  The effect of scent-station precipitation covers on visitations by mammalian carnivores and eastern cottontails.  Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 109:3–10. 

Baldwin, R. A., A. E. Houston, M. L. Kennedy, and P. S. Liu.  2006.  Predicting raccoon (Procyon lotor) occurrence through the use of microhabitat variables.  The Canadian Field-Naturalist 120:225–231.


Baldwin, R. A., A. E. Houston, M. L. Kennedy, and P. S. Liu.  2004.  An assessment of microhabitat variables and capture success of striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis).  Journal of Mammalogy 85:1068–1076.