Newsletters and Popular Articles
Baldwin lab members are designated with bold lettering*
Baldwin, R. A. 2022. Pickpocket: how to keep gophers from stealing your profit. Progressive Forage 22:34–35.
Jarvis-Shean, K., and R. A. Baldwin. 2022. Late winter to early spring is the most effective time for gopher management. Sacramento Valley Orchard Source.
Lloyd, M., and R. A. Baldwin. 2022. Burrowing rodents: developing a management plan for organic agriculture in California. Progressive Crop Consultant 7:34, 36-41.
Jarvis-Shean, K., and R. A. Baldwin. 2021. Photos from the field: identifying damage from deer mice in almond orchards. Sacramento Valley Orchard Source.
Long, R., S. Light, R. A. Baldwin, and D. H. Putnam. 2021. Unwelcome grazers: geese sweep in and strip alfalfa and grain fields bare. Alfalfa and Forage News.
Rios, S., and R. A. Baldwin. 2020. Rattlesnakes in California orchards: growers beware. Topics in subtropics newsletter 22:2–6.
Rios, S., and R. A. Baldwin. 2020. Rattlesnakes in California orchards: growers beware. UC ANR News & Events.
Baldwin, R. A. 2016a. Effective management of pocket gophers and voles in alfalfa. Progressive Forage Grower 17:16–17.
Baldwin, R. A. 2016b. Pocket gopher management: don’t wait too long! Almond Notes, D. Lightle, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Sacramento, Solano, Sutter, Tehama, Yolo, and Yuba Counties.
Baldwin, R. A. 2016c. Pocket gopher management: don’t wait too long! Prune Notes, D. Lightle, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Sacramento, Solano, Sutter, Tehama, Yolo, and Yuba Counties.
Fichtner, E. J., and R. A. Baldwin. 2016. March orchard tasks: walnuts. Pacific Nut Producer 22:22–25.
Baldwin, R. A. 2013a. Managing ground squirrels and pocket gophers in orchards. Fruit and Nut Notes, R. P. Buchner, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension,Tehama County.
Baldwin, R. A. 2013b. Managing ground squirrels and pocket gophers in orchards. Sacramento Valley Walnut News, J. Hasey, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension; Butte, Colusa, Solano, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba Counties.
Baldwin, R. A. 2012a. A menace to nut crops? Understanding the potential impact and control options for managing squirrels in California. West Coast Nut Grower Guide (May issue, pages 14, 16, 18).
Baldwin, R. A. 2012b. Assessment of multiple approaches for controlling gophers in orchards. Crop Currents, Janet Caprile, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Contra Costa and Alameda Counties.
Baldwin, R. A. 2012c. Assessment of multiple approaches for controlling gophers in orchards. Field Notes. University of California Cooperative Extension, San Joaquin County.
Baldwin, R. A. 2012d. Developing a program for controlling pocket gophers. Progressive Forage Grower (1 July, 2012, pages 10–11).
Quinn, N., R. A. Baldwin, and R. M. Timm. 2012. Deer mouse infestation? Be aware of hantavirus. UC IPM Green Bulletin 2(4):3.
Baldwin, R. A. 2011a. New changes in aluminum phosphide labels. Vine Lines, S. Vasquez, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Fresno County.
Baldwin, R. A. 2011b. Pocket gopher control methods in a field setting. Sonoma County Viticulture Newsletter, R. Smith, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Sonoma County.
Baldwin, R. A. 2011c. Pocket gopher control methods in a field setting. Western Farm Press, January 17, 2011.
Baldwin, R. A. 2011d. Trapping to manage pocket gophers. IPM News for Retail Nursery and Garden Centers 1:4.
Baldwin, R. A. 2011e. What do new changes in aluminum phosphide labels mean for burrowing mammal control? Applicators News 26:1–2.
Baldwin, R. A. 2011f. What do new changes in aluminum phosphide labels mean for burrowing mammal control? Citrus Notes, N. O’Connell, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Tulare County.
Baldwin, R. A. 2011g. What do new changes in aluminum phosphide labels mean for burrowing mammal control? Livestock Lines, T. Becchetti, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Stanislaus and San Joaquin Counties.
Baldwin, R. A. 2011h. What do new changes in aluminum phosphide labels mean for burrowing mammal control? Orchard Notes, J. Hasey, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Sutter-Yuba Counties.
Baldwin, R. A. 2011i. What do new changes in aluminum phosphide labels mean for burrowing mammal control? Pomology Notes, F. Niederholzer, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Sutter-Yuba,Colusa Counties.
Baldwin, R. A. 2011j. What do new changes in aluminum phosphide labels mean for burrowing mammal control? Tree Topics, W. Coates, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties.
Baldwin, R. A. 2010a. An assessment of multiple approaches for controlling gophers in orchards. Orchard Notes, J. Hasey, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Sutter and Yuba Counties.
Baldwin, R. A. 2010b. An assessment of multiple approaches for controlling gophers in orchards. The Scoop, R. Duncan, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Stanislaus County.
Baldwin, R. A. 2010c. A comparison of several methods for controlling pocket gophers. Almond Notes, J. H. Connell, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Butte County.
Baldwin, R. A. 2010d. A comparison of several methods for controlling pocket gophers. Fruit and Nut Notes, R. P. Buchner, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Tehama County.
Baldwin, R. A. 2010e. A comparison of several methods for controlling pocket gophers. Fruit and Nut Notes, C. DeBuse, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Solano and Yolo Counties.
Baldwin, R. A. 2010f. Trapping to manage pocket gophers. UC IPM Green Bulletin 1:4.
Vasquez, S. J., and R. A. Baldwin. 2010. Management of gophers. Applicators News 25:1, 4.
Baldwin, R. A. 2009a. An assessment of multiple approaches for controlling gophers. Almond Notes, J. H. Connell, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Butte County.
Baldwin, R. A. 2009b. An assessment of multiple approaches for controlling gophers in vineyards. Tree and Vine Notes, D. Doll and M. Norton, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Merced County.
Baldwin, R. A. 2009c. An assessment of multiple approaches for controlling gophers in vineyards. Vine Lines, S. Vasquez, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Fresno County.
Vasquez, S. J., and R. A. Baldwin. 2009. Management of gophers. Vine Lines, S. J. Vasquez, editor. University of California Cooperative Extension, Fresno County.
Baldwin, R. A.,and L. C. Bender. 2006. Assessing the status of black bears in Rocky Mountain National Park. Rocky Mountain Nature Association Quarterly, pp. 8–9.